At one point, it was believed that bedbugs had been dealt with for good. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. It was only a matter of time before they returned and quickly spiraled out of control. Many believe that increased travel after WWII led to the resurgence. Homeowners and renters have to be worried about bedbugs because they’re one of the most common household pests. While you could hire a professional exterminator, you may want to tackle this problem alone. To do that, you’ll need to learn more about natural bedbug remedies.
You might be able to prevent and eliminate bedbugs by using natural products. You’ll learn more about possible natural remedies below.
Essentials Oils
Before skin-applied pest repellents can be marketed, they have to be registered with the EPA. Nevertheless, you can still buy skin repellents online and you can make your own. A lot of people argue that essential oils can help keep bedbugs away. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that essential oils will work for repelling bedbugs. They might be good for other purposes but they won’t stop bedbugs from entering your home.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth is widely considered one of the most popular and effective natural bedbug solutions. When bedbugs touch this powder, it will dry out them and kill them. It will cause the bedbugs to die from dehydration. While it works, you have to understand that the bedbugs will need to walk through the powder. Otherwise, they’ll continue living.
Peppermint Leaves & Oil
Many people will find that peppermint oil and leaves are being promoted as a powerful bedbug repellent. Does the scent keep bedbugs away? Some argue that the leaves need to be crushed and spread throughout the bedroom to get rid of the bugs. The only problem is that this is a messy technique. It likely won’t work and you’ll be left needing to clean up a mess.
Black Walnut Tea
Walnut tea may possess properties that can repel bedbugs. Some have said that they’ve removed bedbugs from their homes by placing black walnut tea bags in their bedrooms. While it might work, there is no evidence supporting this method.
Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly can be used for many purposes. Some consumers believe it is an effective bedbug repellent. It is argued that you should rub petroleum jelly on your bed frame and headboard. The bedbugs will get stuck in the jelly when attempting to approach you while you sleep. Sadly, petroleum jelly isn’t going to stop bedbugs from reaching feed.
Rubbing Alcohol
Despite being no evidence to support this technique, some people say that rubbing alcohol can get rid of bedbugs. You should never use rubbing alcohol in your bedroom. It stinks and it is flammable. You don’t want to play with fire. Instead of turning your home into a hotbox, you should look for effective alternatives.
Baby Powder
Diatomaceous Earth is effective for getting rid of bedbugs but baby powder is not. It’ll have little to no impact on bedbugs. The problem is that baby powder is designed for babies. It isn’t powerful enough to kill bedbugs. It’ll get rid of the musty odor associated with bedbugs but it won’t get rid of the bedbugs.
Dryer Sheets
Some say that you should rub your bed and furniture with dryer sheets. Then, you’ll want to place a few dryer sheets around your home. Is this going to stop bedbugs from roaming through your home? In all likelihood, the answer is no. There is no evidence that this works.
Anti-Bacterial Soap
Bed bug bites left untreated are at risk of infection. Once the skin is injured, it becomes more vulnerable to bed bug bites. Professional medical treatment is not always necessary to fight off skin infections associated with bed bug bites. However, it is necessary to keep skin looking healthy.
Soap does not contain anti-bed bug properties, which means it is ineffective as a repellent.